Depression in Europe under the spotlight

The Depression Scorecard project analyses national-level performance in key aspects of policy, delivery and care for people with depression. About the project

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2.5% of health care expenditures in Bulgaria allocated for mental health in 2019.


The total costs of mental health care services (direct and indirect) in Croatia amount to HRK 13.5 billion. (2015)5


11.4 per 100,000 inhabitants in Czech Republic died from suicide or self-harm.7


16 psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants in Estonia.3


7% of people in Hungary aged over 15 are living with depression (2021).4


14.6 % of people in Latvia aged between 15 and 64 are living with depression.9


24 psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants in Lithuania, compared with the EU average of 17.6


In Serbia, there is no public information on how much money (directly or indirectly) is allocated annually for mental health.8


3.1-3.3% of Slovakia’s total health expenditure is spent on mental health (2017)1


4.3 % of people in Slovenia [aged over 15] are living with depression.2


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1. Grajcarová L. 2020. Duševné zdravie a verejné financie. Diskusná štúdia. Útvar hodnoty za peniaze. Dostupné na: [Získané 08/12/21] 2. GBD Results Tool | GHDx. Accessed December 15, 2021. 3. Sotsiaalministeerium. Vaimse tervise roheline raamat 4. Döme P.; Rihmer Z.; Bitter I.; Gonda X.; Herold R.; Kurimay T.; Osváth P.; Purebl Gy.; Szekeres Gy., Diagnosis and therapy of unipolar major depression. 2021. 5. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Union. 2018. Health at a Glance: Europe 2018. Paris/Brussels: OECD Publishing/European Union: 30. 6. Eurostat. Number of psychiatrists: how do countries compare? Available from: [Accessed 15/04/2022]. 7. CZU 2022, 8. Depression Scorecard: Serbia. 2022 9. OECD. 2014. Making Mental Health Count: The Social and Economic Costs of Neglecting Mental Health Care. Paris: OECD Publishing